Among my cherished vantage points for photographing the captivating cityscape of Miami, the Rickenbacker Causeway holds a special place.

Seaside Overcast - Miami, FL

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Siglos was composed within the walls of El Morro, an enduring sentinel of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Siglos - San Juan, Puerto Rico

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As the first light of day kissed South Pointe, it painted the scene with a surreal and enchanting palette of colors. To convey the profound emotions of that moment, I chose to amplify the vibrancy of South Beach in my photograph.

Opulent Views - South Beach, FL

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As the first light of day kissed South Pointe, it painted the scene with a surreal and enchanting palette of colors. To convey the profound emotions of that moment, I chose to amplify the vibrancy of South Beach in my photograph. This surge of color was my attempt to translate the sheer magic I experienced during this early dawn encounter. Although my style has evolved, these older works remain a cherished part of my artistic journey.

"Astronave 305" was born—a title that pays homage to Miami's cosmopolitan spirit, the international space station on land.

Astronave 305 - Miami, FL

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